These ports may be listening on a typical webserver…

----- -------- --------
tcp 993 imaps - Encrypted IMAP mail
tcp 995 pop3 - Encrypted POP3 mail
tcp 3306 mysql - MySQL database
tcp 110 pop3 - POP3 mail
tcp 143 imap - IMAP mail
tcp 80 http - HTTP traffic
tcp 19638 ensim - Ensim server management
tcp 19635 ensim - Ensim server management ( Customer Billing Manager )
tcp 21 - ftp - FTP file transfer
tcp 53 - dns - Domain naming service
tcp 22 - ssh - Secure remote shell
tcp 25 - smtp - SMTP mail
tcp 953 - dns - DNS control interface
tcp 443 - https - Secure HTTP traffic

Categories: LAMP

Jonathan Adjei

Jon's expertise in web development is legendary and he oversees all technical aspects of our projects from development to hosting (all through the command line!) Jon is excited by the latest techniques and keeps the company on track by finding ways to adopt new practices into our workflow.