Distilling billing
I’ve been working on a jbilling install whenever I’ve had a moment over the past few nights. From what I’ve seen, this is a very promising piece of open source work that is remarkably simple Read more…
Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP
I’ve been working on a jbilling install whenever I’ve had a moment over the past few nights. From what I’ve seen, this is a very promising piece of open source work that is remarkably simple Read more…
Things to tweak on your Magento installations gleaned from the Magento forums. Magento ver. 1.0.19870.4 Install APC # pecl install apc edit php.ini to use apc extension Switch mysql query caching on in my.cnf Read more…
I’ve setup a more resilient web service for a good client of mine.. By using 2 servers and ‘pound’ they now have some load balancing but most importantly some resilience.. so if one server Read more…
I’ve been creating Certificate signing requests and private keys in individual command line instructions for years. Just found you can do this! openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout server.key -out server.csr It’s the little Read more…
iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp –dport 9418 -m state –state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp –sport 9418 -m state –state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT That is all
I’ve been using the mysql console tip for years from this blog post by Brian Resig (maintaining a few legacy sites), and struggled to find it this time. In fear of losing it entirely, I’m Read more…
Having just come through a harrowing ‘network issue’ ordeal, I thought I’d best document the steps back to sanity from out of my naivety. A rough description of the scenario follows. We have a client Read more…
I’ve got the nvidia proprietary video drivers running on my Fedora laptop using the rpmfusion-nonfree yum repo. I also installed the akmod-nvidia package as it recompiles the kernel module for the graphics each time a Read more…
Biggest headache! I’ve spent hours trying to get the Maildir storage of a Postfix install working on a Virtualmin box that had been migrated from Plesk. There a few critical steps to get everything working. Read more…
Mine was, but the fix was pretty straight forward. In Webmin go to Webmin -> Webmin Configuration -> SSL Encryption Enter the following into the Allowed SSL Ciphers field ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!SSLv2:!EXP:+HIGH:+MEDIUM I grabbed this string from Read more…